Parent/Student Resources

Student Handbook

Student Handbook 1-2-23

School Day  

The school day begins at 7:45 am, and students are marked tardy if they arrive after 8:10 am the school day ends at 2:40 pm. See the calendar for special days off and early dismissals.

School Mass

On a regular basis, the entire student body, faculty and staff, will celebrate Mass together as a school family. The dates of the Masses will be shared with families, and all are welcome to come celebrate Mass with the Northside Catholic Assumption Academy family. Non-Catholic students will attend and participate in the Mass with the exception of receiving the Holy Eucharist.

Dress Down Days

Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to earn dress down, or “jeans” days.  On these occasions, students are permitted to come to school in non-uniform clothing. While these days offer students a vacation from their uniform, they do not offer a vacation from decorum. Clothing must be appropriate for school; not too tight, too short, too baggy, and no offensive language, symbols, etc. If an item seems questionable, students and parents should error on the side of caution and wear something that is without a doubt acceptable attire for a Catholic school.

Spirit wear days are held to show support for the school, school sports teams, and so on. On spirit wear days, students are invited to wear their Northside Catholic Assumption Academy t-shirts along with jeans.

Occasionally these types of days will be accompanied by a nominal ($1-$2) fee. The money raised supports charities, fundraisers, and school projects. Students and families are notified of the days in advance.

Pittsburgh Diocesan Wellness Policy, January 2020